Is the website down?

MoonSale operates solely through its official website,

In the event that users are unable to access content on our website or encounter errors while attempting to do so, it is highly likely that they are attempting to load an outdated version. To ensure optimal user experience, we strongly advise our users to consistently access the most recent version of our website and remain informed of updates through our Telegram Channel (

For the purpose of performing a HARD refresh, users may utilize the following key combinations:

  • Windows: CTRL+F5

  • Mac - Safari: CMD + ALT + E

  • Mac - Chrome: SHIFT + CMD + DEL

  • Trustwallet - Wallet Preferences > Dapp browser

  • Metamask - Wallet Settings > Clear Cache

As part of our commitment to upholding transparency and security, MoonSale does not maintain any data on its servers. Instead, all data is stored in a public capacity on the blockchain.

Last updated